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Reimagining Public Safety
Design and Implementation

Taili serves as a board member of the Criminal Justice Alternatives to Incarceration (CJATI), which identifies public safety issues and recommends solutions for Tompkins County's criminal justice system. Through this work, Taili encouraged a merged effort to Reimagine Public Safety in the City of Ithaca and Tompkins County. This was achieved by bringing Svante Myrick (then Mayor) and Jason Molina (then County Administrator)  to work collaboratively in defining a city and county plan that would redesign public safety interventions to include non-police response systems, a community healing plan, and the demilitarization of certain police practices.  

After forging this merger between the City and County, members of URO’s Data Development Group (Joe Marguiles, Jamila Michener, Paula Ioanide, Richard Rivera, and Taili Mugambee) sat on the Reimagine Public Safety’s Law Enforcement Working Group, Community Working Group, Data Working Group to generate the design of the Reimagine plan over the course of a year and a half.

Read the reports:

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